Monday, October 18, 2010

Treatment of Osteonecrosis with teriparatide

Bone growth source: http://training.seer.cance...Image via WikipediaA new molecule teriparatide regrows bone in cases of thinning of bone due to various causes. Biphosphonates used for treating osteoporosis may rarely cause osteonecrosis in jaw bones.
Recently FDA has asked to the manufacturers of biphosphonates used in cases of osteoporosis to have a warning of possible atypical fracture risks. Rarely this drug may cause thinning of jaw bone termed as osteonecrosis of jaw. And no proved treatment exists for the condition except withdrawal of the drug and supplementation with antibiotics.
The first of two reports, also published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed people whose severe periodontitis was damaging the tissue around the teeth developed nearly 10 times more bone with teriparatide compared to those who received daily placebo injections.
Teriparatide cuts in half the risk of bone fractures in patients with thinning bones by stimulating the growth of new bone. But it is seldom given for more than two years out of fear that long-term exposure might lead to bone cancer.
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