Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pain Abdomen in Children may be due to Abdominal Migraine

The Head Ache Many a times in children and adolescents exact cause of a central abdominal pain is not determined; sometimes termed as functional pain.

Those patients experience pain around umbilicus, nausea, vomiting and headache. Sometimes have a family history of mother suffering from migraine. These symptoms often come intermittently and at least in an average twice a year. The episode typically lasts for some days, usually for 3-4 days

In such a case doctor usually investigates for appendicitis; diseases of intestine, stomach; blood diseases giving rise to pain abdomen and diseases following worm infestation etc..

If nothing is found and there is associated headache and family history suggestive of migraine the diagnosis of abdominal migraine is to be kept in mind.

Reassurance is the best way to manage. Some common painkillers and medications may be required.
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