The popular perception that the egg yolk contains too much of cholesterol to be far from heart friendly has been disputed in an article published in the ScienceDaily.
The egg protein is the best quality protein as it contains all essential amino acids required for maintaining good health. There are as many as 22 amino acids present in the body, out of which 8 and another 2 (With conditionality) are not synthesized in the body; therefore called essential amino acids and have to be taken from outside source.
One of nature's most perfect foods may be even better for us than previously thought. While eggs are well known to be an excellent source of proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers recently discovered they also contain antioxidant properties, which helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
After analyzing the properties, the researchers determined that two egg yolks in their raw state have almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple and about the same as half a serving (25 grams) of cranberries.
However, when the eggs were fried or boiled, antioxidant properties were reduced by about half, and a little more than half if the eggs were cooked in a microwave. Though It's a big reduction, still leaves eggs equal to apples in their antioxidant value; the researchers conclude.
I know, in rural India, eggs, many times eaten raw especially if, somebody suffers from cold. Of course, raw eggs especially those from duck may be harmful due to presence of a harmful enzyme in it. Half boiled eggs are always recommended for good health.
There is a TV advertisement in India, which says; “Sunday ho(may be) ya (Or) Monday, roj (Daily) khao (Eat) ande (Eggs)”; may be have enough truth.
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