Smokers advance so many pleas to continue smoking even after a heart attack, if asked to explain the habit. Many quit smoking after heart attack. Now it has been seen by a group of researchers that quitting smoking even after a heart attack is also beneficial for those people in decreasing the risk of second attack.
Tobacco contains as many as 4000 ingredients which include some radioactive materials also. To list a few, tobacco smoke contains; tobacco specific nitrosamine, nicotine, ammonia, pesticides like DDT, benzene, arsenic, cadmium, lead, polonium, methyl isocyanate, formaldehyde, butane, carbon monoxide, ethyl furoate and etc.
Lead and polonium are radioisotopes known to cause cancer. Benzene is a dye blamed for urinary bladder cancer. Arsenic is a metal poison. Cadmium is used in battery factory. Formaldehyde is a germicidal used for sterilization purpose and preservation of dead body. Methyl isocyanate used in carbide factory is very poisonous. Its leak killed around 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984. Carbon monoxide is a lethal poison.
Still, after seeing the frightening list of harmful ingredients in tobacco, some smokers may not like to quit smoking, thinking that they are not going to suffer; but perhaps a false self assurance. At least the first time heart attack survivors try to learn from their mistakes.
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