Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cancers can be Prevented and Avoided

Age-standardised death rates from Breast cance...Deaths due to Breast Cancer According to The World Health Organisation people should engage in "moderate" physical exercise for at least 150 minutes in a week will reduce the risk of breast and colon cancers.
Some cancers are preventable and many are avoidable.  According to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). UICC and WHO experts around 25 percent of breast and colon cancers could be prevented by undertaking physical activity.
About 460,000 women died as a result of breast cancer in 2008 while about 610,000 died of colorectal cancers, according to UN health agency data. It is said that one in two persons is likely to have a cancer in their lifetime, and the probability grows with ageing.
 Age-standardised death rates from Colon and re...Death Rates from Colon & Rectum
The UICC believes that the problem of physical inactivity is now extending beyond industralised nations to emerging nations where the population is becoming wealthier.
The recommended daily dose of moderate physical activity like walking for 30 minutes on five days of a week is sufficient and can be accomplished by many.
Let us walk for better health
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